Protect yourself
Protect your family
Protect ALL
Fights 99.99% of germs 24 hours a day.
Gentle on the skin - no alcohol or dangerous chemicals.
Protect24 Hand Sanitiser lasts for up to 24 hours on skin.
Protect30 Surface Sanitiser lasts for up to 30 days on surfaces.
How it works
ProtectALL creates a protective layer on the skin or on a surface.
When a pathogen interacts with ProtectALL, there is a mechanical breakdown of the pathogen’s cells.
This ruptures the cell wall and causes the cell to break up, effectively “killing” it.
The layer of microbial cells within the Protect layer carries on working for the rest of the day.
How to Use
Skin: Apply to the skin using a foam, spray or wipe. Allow to dry. You only need to apply once per day - it stays active for up to 24 hours.
Surfaces: Apply to any hard or soft surfaces including benches, door handles, clothes or furniture. May take up to 10 minutes to fully dry depending on the application. Stays active for up to 30 days.